Visitor Management System blog

Paxton Net2 Integration DigiGreet Visitor Management System

Paxton Net2 Integration DigiGreet Visitor Management System

Posted: 16 Aug '2021 by Ed

Businesses face a myriad of safety challenges at their facilities to keep their visitors, contractors, and staff safe. Recently, managing access has come under particular scrutiny as organisations strive to implement a solution which allows them to pinpoint who is in the business premises at any given point in time.

As a result, organisations are often using a visitor management systems with access control technology to provide an efficient service to everyone who enters the business premises, whilst maintaining an optimal safeguarding process. This is where the DigiGreet Visitor management system's integration with Paxton Net2 becomes so crucial.

Paxton Integration with DigiGreet Visitor Management System

DigiGreet believes in offering the best solution to help schools and businesses manage maximum security at their locations. The DigiGreet system, therefore, integrates with top solutions so you are able to use a seamless approach for complete control. One such integration of the DigiGreet visitor management system is with the Paxton Net2 access control system, which offers you door level security and control within the DigiGreet visitor management system.

Why DigiGreet and Paxton Net2?

With our Paxton integration, your school or business gets the top level of security as Paxton Net2 is not only used in thousands of businesses and schools around the world but is the leading door access control system for the UK. The DigiGreet visitor management system provides you with security questions, inductions, contactless sign in, pre-registration and visitor badges to name but a few of the features. This, when integrated with Paxton Net2, not only ensures that only authorised visitors and contractors can access the business premises but that you have granular level control over the doors for all people on site over and above what the Paxton Net2 system offers.

The Paxton Integration with DigiGreet also streamlines the whole entry and access process while offering several benefits such as a quick sign-in process, more efficient management structure, combating errors in reporting, eliminating staff timesheets, and getting more out of the existing investment.

How Does Paxton Integration with DigiGreet Works?

Once the Paxton access control system is integrated with the DigiGreet visitor management system you are able to configure, either using defaults, or bespoke for each person, access levels and times. All it requires is a swipe of a card from visitors, contractors, or staff members to access the business premises and access is automatically removed, as per your settings, once the visitor or contractor has been. For schools or businesses, not only do you know who is present on the premises, but you can also control what areas visitors can have access to, therefore, making access to the site more secure and simple.

What If Your School Or Business Already Has Paxton?

DigiGreet understands that a lot of schools or businesses have already implemented the Paxton Net2 access control system and this is ideal, we don’t actually install Net2 so if this is the case with your school or business as well, there is no need to worry. DigiGreet will use the existing Paxton Net2 System to link with DigiGreet’s visitor management system.

Final Thoughts

If your school or business is looking for a visitor management system that works in parallel with the Paxton Net2 access control system, get in touch with DigiGreet today. Even if you do not have an existing access control system we can make sure you know the options and give you some impartial advice.

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tags: Paxton Net2