Black lives matter

Strength in diversity

We are united with the Black community and all those working towards racial justice

Edward WilliamsI am the owner of DigiGreet and am a privileged white, English man. I don't doubt that I have no real awareness of the issues. The world in which I live does not consciously see colour or race. I have friends from all races and colour, I have family from India and Africa, I employ people from the European and Indian continents, why not check our about us page.

In the late 80's, a group of friends and I went to Evesham, I was the only white, we were in the supermarket when the police approached, they asked what we were doing. I asked why they were asking and they replied that a Petrol station had just been robbed by a gang fitting our description of 1 black, 3 Asians and a white man. This was a memorable moment for me and gave me an insight into the prejudice people suffer. I am happy to say I have no similar moments to date.

I believe in the statements that say the only wrong approach to the current situation, which the murder of George Floyd has brought to the top of the media agenda, is silence. This is why we are creating this page. I also believe that we need to question ourselves and our actions as I am sure that many, like myself, do not feel we are racist or prejudiced. I believe my actions speak for themselves but I would like to take this opportunity to reflect, and to ask you if there's anything you would like to ask, or see us do.