Visitor Management System Project in AspNet

Visitor Management System Project in AspNet

Posted: 28 Apr '2021 by Dan

The use of the visitor management system is only increasing across industry verticals for all of the obvious reasons such as greater control and security. It is for this reason, several new and established businesses are looking to build visitor management system projects in Of course, you can invest and build a visitor management system of your own in However, why build a new one when DigiGreet already has a visitor management system built using, which makes it reliable and trustworthy with zero downtime.

Here are some of the amazing features that the DigiGreet visitor management system has to offer.

DigiGreet Visitor Management System Project in Asp.Net

1. Automatic Alerts

The DigiGreet visitor management system project in has been built while keeping convenience and automation in mind. To ensure that the business and its staff members know all the information about their visitors seamlessly, the system provides automatic alerts through email. For instance, whenever the visitor arrives on site, an automated email is sent to the responsible staff member. Similarly, automated emails are sent to businesses, whenever the contractor has to submit documents for verification. Thus, allowing the business to get in touch with the contractor for further proceedings.

2. Pre-Registration Functionality

The visitor management system project in also provides a pre-registration functionality. This feature allows businesses to know about their guest well in advance. Moreover, with the pre-registration functionality, the sign-in process on arrival can be completed much faster. Thus, creating a seamless experience for your guests. All you need to do is send them a link with their meeting and they can pre-register themselves from the comfort of their home.

3. Paxton Integration

Another great functionality offered by the visitor management system project in is the integration with Paxton. The Paxton visitor access control system integrates seamlessly with DigiGreet Connect to make your visitors and workplace more secure. After successful integration, the system populates contractor and staff records easily. Thus, allowing the contractors and staff members to come and go as normal.

4. Health and Safety

It is not the question of if but when an accident will take place, and the DigiGreet visitor management system understands this very well. It is for this reason, the system helps in preparing your business for various unexpected events. For instance, during fire breakouts, businesses must have a list of all personnel present on site. The DigiGreet visitor management system project in provides businesses with such a list so that no one is left behind. Thus, ensuring safety for everyone.

Final Thoughts

The DigiGreet visitor management system project in has all the necessary features that a business needs in offering a seamless check-in process for their contractors and guests. Moreover, since the system is built using, it is reliable and trustworthy with zero downtime. Therefore, rather than building a new system from scratch and going through all the hassle, why not use a system that has been already built keeping your requirements in mind.

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