Visitor management system, What is the purpose of a visitor management system? Visitor management system requirements, blog

What is a visitor management system

What is a visitor management system

Posted: 14 Nov '2023 by Mia Williams

A visitor management system is a digital solution to the faff of traditional paper and pen when guests are signing into your school or business.

DigiGreet is our digital visitor management system and through this intelligent software, visitors can: sign in quickly avoiding queues and admin times having pre-registered before hand, receive direct messages from the host on arrival, have temporary access to the rooms or buildings they are going to be using, have contractor’s documents verified and reminders given if their work permits are about to expire, have been given important notices or seen pertinent health and safety videos, the list is endless really and that’s only for visitors, let alone the benefits staff gain from using DigiGreet!

This system incorporates many complex features giving the visitors a great first impression whilst presenting a modern and efficient reflection of your company or institution. DigiGreet is our digital visitor management system and through this intelligent software, visitors can: sign in quickly avoiding queues and admin times having pre-registered before hand, receive direct messages from the host on arrival, have temporary access to the rooms or buildings they are going to be using, have contractor’s documents verified and reminders given if their work permits are about to expire, have been given important notices or seen pertinent health and safety videos, the list is endless really and that’s only for visitors, let alone the benefits staff gain from using DigiGreet! To get more of an idea to the extent to which DigiGreet boosts your organisations efficiency, explore here…

Here’s a visitor management example, to help explain what a visitor management system is: the school fire alarm goes off and thanks to DigiGreet, each teacher can access (via any device that can connect to a browser) a live updated MIS register so they can see if any students have left early or arrived late ensuring a safe evacuation. To learn more about this, click here

What is the purpose of a visitor management system?

One of the key aspects of a visitor management system that makes it such a vital tool to boost your business or school’s efficiency is: to welcome visitors and make sure they feel comfortable as well as making sure the company or school have completed the necessary safety checks, ensuring a smooth and safe visitor experience. Our fully GDPR compliant system works to keep all people on site safe by minimising the risks of security breaches which wouldn’t be possible with only a pen and paper as their tools and making sure fire evacuations are as simple and efficient as possible. 

Types of visitor management systems:

We have four main categories: Lite, Pro, Enterprise and Document management which is perfect for a larger company with many employees where visitor management system documentation is an admin routine. Take a look at the different options here and see which one best suits your company or school…

Visitor management system requirements

That’s the great thing… All you need is a device which can connect to a browser like Chrome or safari. If you already have a fob system set up, no worries get in touch and find out if our system is compatible. If not, again no worries we can set you up with our dear friend Paxton, get in touch to find out more…

Instead of going through a lengthy visitor management system ppt, why don’t you book a demo with us today and see for yourself why we are proud of what we do and the features we offer

Hopefully, you have managed to get a grasp of what a visitor management system is and now know where to go if you want more details 


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